Free delivery in the Prairies

For orders over $220


Orders are shipped mid-April thru mid-June

Seedlings guaranteed

For 45 days after planting

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What's new


Canadian Prairie Hardy Fruit

What's new – by Select Seedling Nursery

Canadian Prairie Hardy Fruit

Why couldn’t it be you with a fabulous yard or a fantastic orchard?  The amount of variance and quality we have here on the Canadian Prairies in hard Zone 2, fruit is off the charts impressive.  Why the masses are not thinking this the coolest thing is beyond me.  Each year we increase the quantity and varieties of hardy apples, crabs, plums, and pears that we grow.  We also contract grow for small orchardists.  We are more than just seedlings!

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Living by the Weather

What's new – by Select Seedling Nursery

Living by the Weather

A nursery grower lives by the weather.  And we in Saskatchewan see such a difference between years.  One February it's warm and melting; the next February is nasty.  We are now preparing shipments to other nurseries and tree farms.  The weather is getting everyone thinking about planting and growing.  We at Select Seedling Nursery grow a huge number of small seedlings and sell directly to you the customer.  Check out our availability list to see our selection.  Rememeber, we only grow hardy nursery stock for the Canadian Prairies.  If it grows here, it will do well across Canada.

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Protect Your Investment With A Good Shelterbelt

What's new – by Select Seedling Nursery

Protect Your Investment With A Good Shelterbelt

To compliment the orchard and provide wind protection, we offer a selection of shelterbelt seedlings, including Colorado Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Siberian Larch, Scots Pine, Manitoba Maple, Tatarian Maple, Amur Maple, Red Osier Dogwood, Caragana, Siberian Elm, Green Ash, Prairie Sky Poplar, Sundancer Poplar, and Okanese Poplar. Please explore our web site. We have included a source of more information on small fruits from the University of Saskatchewan. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail. Happy gardening, Vic & Lee Krahn

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Saskatoon Berries Around the World

What's new – by Select Seedling Nursery

Saskatoon Berries Around the World

Saskatoon berries have been a commercial crop since the mid 1980’s.  Select Seedling Nursery has had the privilege of growing for this market and introducing them to customers around the world.  Our plants were featured in a new agricultural product contest in Czech Republic on a farm 1 hour west of Prague.  In addition we are fortunate to link with a fruit grower in Finland to introduce our Saskatoon cultivars in Scandinavia.  Since this time we have been supplying orchards and farms alike with Saskatoon berry plants.  The latest is a large orchard in Michigan.

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Thinking Poplars

What's new – by Select Seedling Nursery

Thinking Poplars

December has arrived and as I drive through the city there is a flurry of activity.  At the nursery we are finishing grading our bare root raspberries, and our poplar and willow plugs for shelterbelt sales.  It was a very good growing year and already we have many orders for the spring.  We also grow a 3-5′ crop of Okanese Poplar in #1 pots.  When thinking about columnar, upright, poplars very few people know about the relatively new cultivar Sundancer Poplar.  Sundancer Poplar is an extremely fast growing hybrid male poplar (no fuzz) and has that nice upright growing habit.  It is literally instant.

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Water for New Plants

What's new – by Select Seedling Nursery

Water for New Plants

The most essential thing for new plantings is water.  Bare root plants (no soil) should be watered immediately after planting, and weekly after that until established.  A plug seedling…a plant grown in a column of peat need watering every three days at the base for three weeks to ensure the plug roots knit into the backfill soil.  Remember to weed for the first three years to maximize growth and minimize competition from weeds.

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